Financial Literacy
Finance means money, capital, fund and resource. Financial Management is
making a decision on how to provide optimally monetary resources required to
meet the needs of each economic unit and how to allocate these resources
optimally to cover the expenses. In daily life, all economic units are engaged in a
kind of financial management, though not deliberately. For instance, a student
raises funds when he or she applies for a grant or loan or asks for pocket money
from the family, and makes a decision on fund using when he or she goes to the
cinema and/or a café. Similarly, a family, an organization or a country tries to
optimize its fund inflow and fund use. It is important for all economic units to
have minimum knowledge of finance to ensure such optimization. Informed
financial choices activate financial management and minimize inefficient fund
use. Financial literacy has drawn considerable attention across the world, as it
allows a large section of society to gain basic financial knowledge and hence to
raise and use money and make a budget appropriately.
The aim of this course is to enable participants to gain basic financial literacy
skills so that they make right financial decisions in every stage of their lives.
Week 1. Fundamental financial concepts
Week 2. Main financial institutions and organizations
Week 3. Loan, credit and time value of money
Week 4. Saving: savings, budget and planning
Week 5. Investment: feasibility, risk and income
making a decision on how to provide optimally monetary resources required to
meet the needs of each economic unit and how to allocate these resources
optimally to cover the expenses. In daily life, all economic units are engaged in a
kind of financial management, though not deliberately. For instance, a student
raises funds when he or she applies for a grant or loan or asks for pocket money
from the family, and makes a decision on fund using when he or she goes to the
cinema and/or a café. Similarly, a family, an organization or a country tries to
optimize its fund inflow and fund use. It is important for all economic units to
have minimum knowledge of finance to ensure such optimization. Informed
financial choices activate financial management and minimize inefficient fund
use. Financial literacy has drawn considerable attention across the world, as it
allows a large section of society to gain basic financial knowledge and hence to
raise and use money and make a budget appropriately.
The aim of this course is to enable participants to gain basic financial literacy
skills so that they make right financial decisions in every stage of their lives.
Week 1. Fundamental financial concepts
Week 2. Main financial institutions and organizations
Week 3. Loan, credit and time value of money
Week 4. Saving: savings, budget and planning
Week 5. Investment: feasibility, risk and income
Course format
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
Language |
Turkish |
Self-paced | Yes |
Hours of study | 25 hours |
EQF-Level | EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education |
Rights | Open license: (re-)use it |
Requirements | Free admittance |
Cost | Free of charge |
Delivery mode | Learn anywhere online |
QA | Quality assured |
Massive | Massive |
Full Course Experience | Full course experience |
Provider | OpenupEd |
Financial Literacy
Finance means money, capital, fund and resource. Financial Management is
making a decision on how to provide optimally monetary resources required to
meet the needs of each economic unit and how to allocate these resources
optimally to cover the expenses. In daily life, all economic units are engaged in a
kind of financial management, though not deliberately. For instance, a student
raises funds when he or she applies for a grant or loan or asks for pocket money
from the family, and makes a decision on fund using when he or she goes to the
cinema and/or a café. Similarly, a family, an organization or a country tries to
optimize its fund inflow and fund use. It is important for all economic units to
have minimum knowledge of finance to ensure such optimization. Informed
financial choices activate financial management and minimize inefficient fund
use. Financial literacy has drawn considerable attention across the world, as it
allows a large section of society to gain basic financial knowledge and hence to
raise and use money and make a budget appropriately.
The aim of this course is to enable participants to gain basic financial literacy
skills so that they make right financial decisions in every stage of their lives.
Week 1. Fundamental financial concepts
Week 2. Main financial institutions and organizations
Week 3. Loan, credit and time value of money
Week 4. Saving: savings, budget and planning
Week 5. Investment: feasibility, risk and income
making a decision on how to provide optimally monetary resources required to
meet the needs of each economic unit and how to allocate these resources
optimally to cover the expenses. In daily life, all economic units are engaged in a
kind of financial management, though not deliberately. For instance, a student
raises funds when he or she applies for a grant or loan or asks for pocket money
from the family, and makes a decision on fund using when he or she goes to the
cinema and/or a café. Similarly, a family, an organization or a country tries to
optimize its fund inflow and fund use. It is important for all economic units to
have minimum knowledge of finance to ensure such optimization. Informed
financial choices activate financial management and minimize inefficient fund
use. Financial literacy has drawn considerable attention across the world, as it
allows a large section of society to gain basic financial knowledge and hence to
raise and use money and make a budget appropriately.
The aim of this course is to enable participants to gain basic financial literacy
skills so that they make right financial decisions in every stage of their lives.
Week 1. Fundamental financial concepts
Week 2. Main financial institutions and organizations
Week 3. Loan, credit and time value of money
Week 4. Saving: savings, budget and planning
Week 5. Investment: feasibility, risk and income
Anadolu University
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
For more information about the EFQ levels click here
EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education
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Always online
Full Course Experience
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Anadolu University
2016-12-06 13:35:25
Paramı Yönetebiliyorum
Finans, para, sermaye, fon, kaynak demektir. Finans Yönetimi ise her bir ekonomik birimin gereksinimlerini karşılamak için zorunlu olan parasal kaynaklarını en optimum şekilde nasıl temin edeceğini ve bu kaynakları olası sarf alanları arasında en optimum şekilde nasıl dağıtacağını kararlaştırma sürecidir. Bu nedenle günlük hayatta fark etmeden tüm ekonomik birimler bir tür finans yönetimi yapar. Örneğin bir öğrencinin burs ve krediye başvurması, ailesinden harçlık istemesi birer fon sağlama; sinemaya ya da cafeye ya da her ikisine de gitmesi ise birer fon kullanma kararıdır. Benzer şekilde bir aile, bir şirket ve bir ülke de fon girişlerini ve fon kullanımlarını optimize etmeye çalışır. Bu optimizasyonu yapmak için tüm ekonomik birimlerin asgari finansal bilgiye sahip olması önem taşımaktadır. Bilinçli finansal tercihler, bir ekonomide finans yönetimini etkin bir hale getirerek, verimsiz fon kullanımını minimize edecektir. Bu nedenle özellikle toplumun geniş kesimlerinin temel finansal bilgilere sahip olarak parayı doğru bir şekilde temin etmesi, kullanması ve buna yardımcı olacak bütçeler yapabilmesini sağlayacak finans okuryazarlığı son yıllarda tüm dünyada çok önemsenmektedir.
Bu dersin amacı katılımcılara hayatın her aşamasında doğru finansal kararlar verebilmelerini kolaylaştıracak temel finansal okuryazar becerilerini kazandırmaktır.
Hafta 1: Temel Finansal Kavramlar
Hafta 2. Başlıca finansal kurumlar ve kuruluşlar
Hafta 3. Borçlanma, kredi ve paranın zaman değeri
Hafta 4. Tasarruf: birikim, bütçe ve planlama
Hafta 5. Yatırım: fizibilite, risk ve getiri
Bu dersin amacı katılımcılara hayatın her aşamasında doğru finansal kararlar verebilmelerini kolaylaştıracak temel finansal okuryazar becerilerini kazandırmaktır.
Hafta 1: Temel Finansal Kavramlar
Hafta 2. Başlıca finansal kurumlar ve kuruluşlar
Hafta 3. Borçlanma, kredi ve paranın zaman değeri
Hafta 4. Tasarruf: birikim, bütçe ve planlama
Hafta 5. Yatırım: fizibilite, risk ve getiri
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